Rate a Gamemaster

Announcing the Rate your DM/GM tool! Ever wanted to leave feedback to your Game Master but did not want them to know it was from you? 

Dungeon & Game Masters (DM and GM respectively) have a tough job making worlds for their players. They fill those worlds with people and mythical creatures. They help shape the epic adventures that players will tell for years to come. Evolving RPG is proud to present a tool that allows players to rate how effective they believe their GM to be.

The system will send an anonymous email to the GM and allows you to grade them in the following categories:


This tool will help provide meaningful feedback to GMs which is important for tweaking and perfecting their games. You can view the form here or click the menu at the top of the page.

Please give it a try, and leave comments and/or suggestions below as to what you think of they system.

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