Arthion’s Travels – Entry # 17729

After dispatching the invading Orcs, we decided to rest the night in the town. The townspeople were very hospitable to us and offered any assistance they could.

We informed them we were heading to the main city of Parabor. The townsfolk warned us that things are even worse in Parabor and that we should take care. Again the offered their assistance in any way they could.

Morning comes and we head to the main city of Parabor. We took some time to examine the entrances of the city and detected three entry points. We chose to go in through through a hole in the city wall, which led to the slum area.

Philip of Tarsis led the way, full of confidence, he entered the wall and trek down the alleyway. Tid of Urst followed behind him quickly, his stubby dwarven feet manage to keep up. Both Greytome and Jonythyn followed. Jonythyn leaps effortlessly in the air to the rooftops.

For my part, I stay significantly behind the party. I pull the hood of my cloak over my head to hide my ears in order to blend in. I stick to the wall and move in a slow methodical pace in order not to draw attention to myself.

A lone Halfling approached Philip and struck up a conversation with him. He then spoke to Tid and Greytome and I heard him say “ahh you all are adventures”. He whistled and bid them to be careful, as he passed me he nodded.

I hear shouting on the rooftop and hear the orcs command Jonythyn to stop in broken common. In orcish the command was given to shoot him if he moves. My very bones told me things were about to get intense.

I watched as Greytome raised his hands and shot forth-magical bolts at the orcish sniper. So much for trying to sneak into town.

When the drunks and commoners start running away, I knew we had a fight on our hand. Philip withdrew his sword and look intimidating as ever as the orcs focus their attention on the alleyway.

I started running down the alleyway like a scared commoner and then faked falling to the ground. Praying to Mother and Father I asked that they open the skies for bolts to strike down my enemies.

Focusing on my prayers, I tried to shut out the sounds of battle around me. Tid was charging the orcs like a bull. I could hear the steel of Philip’s blade cutting to piece the orc brute. The arcane tongue of Greytome unleash destructive power upon the orcs.

Lifting up my bowed head, I pointed at the brute and lightning descends from the heavens striking the orc. The bolt did not kill it but startled the orcish brute. I could hear them speak in the tongue that there is a wizard.

Greytome tapped me on the shoulder and said, “This is how it is done” with the utterance of the arcane tongue lightning sparked from his hand killing the sniper on the roof and damaging the brute.

I cannot tell if Greytome is being arrogant or competitive. Either way I called down another bolt on the brute singeing it. As I called forth the lighting, an orc sniper on the rooftop watching me shot an arrow at me. Mother and Father kept me safe as the arrow missed me.

Seeing the tide of battle in our favor the orcs retreated which embolden the townspeople in the slums. They begin to stone the orcs as the Monk tried in vain to stop them. They townspeople hoisted up Greytome and celebrate his victory; this brought a smirk to my face.

Maeglas returned with the sever head of the orcish archer who tried to escape. He seemed annoyed stating that he has been fighting the good fight for at least two weeks and he never had anyone celebrate his victories.

We still have much work to do and I am somewhat worried our small victory may hinder our mission. However, for what these orcs have done to the forest I can allow myself this guilty pleasure.

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