And then there’s Maud

We continue to explore deeper in the cave. It seemed as if it went on forever. I casted light on a torch so that the humans in the party would be able to see.

We continued to move forward with Nigel and I taking point, since our eyes are adjusted to the low light it made sense for use to lead the party. Eldon not to be done transformed into a winter fox and scurried ahead of us to explore.

A few minutes later Eldon comes back running toward us and says one word “Hag”.

I see a woman next to a cauldron cooking some type of stew that smelled divine. I asked her what was she cooking. She responded that she was cooking fish but I swear it sound like fishermen. I really was not sure what I heard but nevertheless I felt uneasy.

There was a bright flash of light and in the next moment I was attacked by a glowing light. The older woman appearance changed. She was hard on the eyes and no mistaking it some type of evil fiendish creature.

Out of pure reaction my shield shimmered and protected me from the blow of the light creature. I engage that creature throughout the encounter as others fought the hag.

Eventually the combined might of my party was able to bring the hag to her knees begging for her life. Yurgin wasted no time and put her to death. This seemed to annoy Kareth who stated the hag maybe had information on the fisherman.

The light creature turned invisible and fled, I shooed it away as others tried to attack it in vain. I chuckled at the fact that I was convinced it learned its lesson.

We continue to explore every corner of the cave and discovered a hidden room with a sleeping bag and notes scattered in the room. The language was in dwarven and the author stated the eerie noises and the humming of the cave will see to it that he never returns to this place.

We take the fisherman boat back to the town and report our findings. We then unwind in the inn to plot our next move when we are approached by a gnome who wants to summon the lady of night. I whispered to Kareth and Eldon that this does not seem right to me and that I had a bad feeling about it.

Nevertheless we go to a room in the inn and participate in a séance. I must admit I was skeptical but towards the inn I was all in and lend my voice. Sure enough the lady arrived and answered some of our questions. The answer came in formed of frosted windows with answer written the the frost.

I could not resist I had to ask about the fishermen and the answer was perplexing. We were told that they were in the cauldron. My thoughts were that the cauldron was magical and perhaps a doorway to somewhere else. Unfortunately I would find out later that theory was incorrect.

We return to the cave to retrieve the cauldron and deduced that the hag added the fisherman cause she did not like the smell of the good stew the cauldron made. We decided to return the cauldron to the smaller town to feed the people there our only stipulation is that the food is free to all and when we return we get a room as well as the free stew.

We did a good deed and for that I am hopeful in this endless winter.

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