Arthion’s Travel Entry # 200801

I managed to save up fifteen-hundred gold and had some free time on my hands. I split up with my fellow adventures and decided to pursue natures goal. I spent about ten weeks going across the land approaching farmers and merchants and offering to bless their harvest. I would accept donations but even if they did not donate, I would still bestow the blessing of Mother and Father.

The community was grateful for my efforts and I built up a goodwill with them. I realize the war rages on but the land must also be cared for. Mother and Father were pleased with me and I feel that they will intervene on my behalf when I need it most.

I am reminded when I was a young one playing in the forest and I met Mother and Father for the first time. Sister wielded the power of faith and brother had mastery of the arcane, I was the balance between the two with nature. We worked well together and I now see what Mother and Father wanted to teach me. In unity there is strength to overcome any obstacle.
I decided to spend about six weeks researching whether or not in the past had there been a uniting of the druid, paladin and Magi order to combat a threat. I want to find out how they govern themselves and if anyone exists from such an order.

After weeks of researching, sifting through tomes, and hearing tales passed down. I uncover two critical pieces of information that I believe can answer my question. However, I have the sinking feeling that my research may have complicated things and I expect some headache in the future.

Finally, I spent another six weeks researching and praying to Mother and Father on creating a new type of thorn whip. My vision is that the whips come from the ground and pull the prey back into the earth burying them. My studies set the foundation for the new gift from Mother and Father.

I meet back up with my party and we all return to the capital of Dagin. The capital is overflowing with refugees, I did not even have time to take it all in when Lord Prio met us entering the capital. He escorted us to a manor under the banner of House Garess. I must admit I found my self out of my element as there is a lot of politics going on which has nothing to do with nature at this point.

The manor is maintained perfectly and it is residence inside are well fed and have all they want. This excess moves me as I find it a shame that people outside these very walls are starving and sinking into decay.

Lord Bren the oldest son of House Garess who was presumed dead greeted us for dinner. He explains that he is the rightful heir to the throne of House Garess but his father and others do not believe he is who he said he is. I share the same concerns as others as to whether or not he is who he says he is, but I relent to the wisdom of the others in making that determination.

Lord Bren made the case to each of us and I was the only one to request something in return. I was clear that if he is indeed who he says he is I will assist him but my help would require a large portion of the land to be reserved for the followers of the forest. He said done without any hesitation and said he would be honored if a warden such as myself or someone I recommend would watch over the land. Pride swelled up in me as I know Mother and Father are proud of me for reclaiming the land in a peaceful manner.

The others ran him through a battery of tests and Lord Bren graciously subjugated himself. He passed every test and it appears most of our concerns were alleviated. Veritas showed him a bloodstone and Lord Bren reacted ins disbelief and terror. He said those stones where everywhere in the caverns he explored with the dwarven statues. Nothing else was said.

Frostthant the white dragon was rumored to have been spotted near the Golushkin Mountains. We are reminded that we killed it baby many months ago during our travels. The dragon emergence from the dead seems to coincide with Lord Bren reemergence.

Lord Prio arrives after dinner and wants to know what our thoughts are and then orders us to travel to Fort Dolor and find out what is going on and resolve the issue.

He then asks to speak with Greytome and myself in private. Words cannot do justice to what my ears heard. Lord Prio concern for the land, then kingdom, and the war entrust Greytome and myself with rare stones that can allow us to traverse the land quickly. He confides in us that we both have been straight with him and that we are the only ones he can trust. He feels the stones will be used wisely in our hands and does not want to keep them in his hands as he does not trust himself.

Lord Prio also informed us that the ranger has been leading a resistance in the area and has been disrupting the invading orc army. He appears to be very effective and Lord Prio wanted to let us know he was in the area.

Mother and Father turned my heart, because at one point I wanted to maul this man for his threats. Now I only can admire his resolve and dedication to the kingdom.

I recommend that we leave tomorrow evening to investigate the Fort. Veritas preferred leaving tomorrow afternoon. So, we decided to leave tomorrow afternoon, which gave me enough time to tend to the needs of some of the poor. I asked Mother and Father to bless the berries and create water to feed the masses. I could spend weeks doing this but only had half a day. Perhaps these same people can tend the land I am acquiring.

We arrive at the fort and we are surprise to see how empty the fort is. In the first thirty minutes we are unable to find any soldiers. The local village population who support the soldiers go out of their way to avoid us. Veritas kneels down on the ground and closes his eyes and a few moments later informs us he detects fiends withing a six-mile radius.

I turn to the smart one, the farm animals. I asked a cow where have all the soldiers gone. She tells me that they went to the green pastures to the south and never returned. She also wanted to give me some gossip and informed me that the captain is in love.

Lord Prio had told us before we departed that he suspects the captain was not being truthful with him. This issue has to be resolved quickly as the Fort is a key strategic location in the war.

As we explored further in the Fort both Tidd and I notice that people were talking about us under their breath. Tidd’s dwarven ears beat mine out as he actually could determine what they were saying. Some prophecy that adventures will come to save the Fort but destroy it in the process. The prophet who weave this prophecy was name Trilleste and she was a female dwarf.

We manage to reach the barracks and only saw about thirty or so men who seem exhausted and irritable. Kalypso press the soldiers there, who seem to have a hard time focusing. They informed us the captain is with his fiancé Xeriope in the herbalist shop. The soldiers were waging a war with sleep, their fear was that if the sleep then they will come for them and then they will disappear like the others. I have to figure out a way to help them but first we must find the captain.

We arrived at the herbalist shop and just as Kalypso is about to knock, I stop him and check the area for any poison vegetation. Having found none, Kalypso proceeds to enter in.

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