Arthion’s Travels Entry # 180120

The farm area had been ravaged and Kiba fidget and sniffed anxious around the area. We decided to press further and explore the remnants of the farm. The ogre clan had conquered this remote farm and made it their home.

They had to be stopped so much wanted destruction upsets the very balance of nature. The mother of these broods was a huge massive ogre that could not even move. She commanded her undead creations to attack us. Greytome lobbed a fireball into the room.

 We made short work of the abomination but still had not recover the missing rangers. Sifting through the remains the ogre matriarch had a scroll of animated dead. This cause quite a bit of debate as to what to do with the scroll. I viewed it is simple knowledge and Greytome agreed. The other cited the decree from the land and Phillip explained to Greytome if he keep the scroll he would report him to the King. Greytome relented and tossed the scroll casing into to the fire.

We continue on to another home and came across to young-ling ogres. The mere sight of Philip caused them to tremble and urine on themselves. They spoke in the tongue of demons that only Greytome could translate. Greytome told us that they hated the shiny one as they pointed at Philip. We had another discussion on which action to take, Greytome and I wanted to find humane way to deal with them. The others wanted to execute them which cause a further discussion. The ranger exited both the room and conversation as the four of us continued the conversation.

Philip after having enough withdrew his sword and proceeded to strike down the ogre young-lings. I summoned vines and wrapped them around his sword hand preventing him from striking them. He glared at me and said not to every do that again as he was the law of the land. I shot back at him informing him that we were having a discussion and that it was not over. The very air itself was tense and stale at the stand-off when the ranger returned and shot both of the young-lings’ ogres with arrows.

Greytome and I just stared at each other simply stunned at the events that just transpired. We both decided to provide the two young-lings a proper burial, much to the consternation of the other party members. They would not move forward until we completed our task, I can only assume because of safety in numbers. As Greytome and I performed the ritual he shared with me the necrotic scroll. He said he could not just destroy the knowledge without learning from it. I did not judge him but warned him to be careful as this could be dangerous if the others find out.

Once done we continued on to explore the barn. The barn was darken unnaturally but my eyes were able to pierce the darkness. I am normally not impulsive but I felt the need to run up to the second floor and advance further down the barn. I could hear the barn door closing. More of the half-breed ogres lie in wait to trap us but my impulsiveness caught them off guard. I could see three of the rangers off in the distance in cages that were turned into some sort of death traps.

We had a fight on our hand!


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